The Racoșul de Jos Geological Complex is a protected natural area (IUCN III) since 2005 and includes 3 important geosites: the BAZALT COLOMNS OF RACOȘUL DE JOS, the BRAZIUL GEOSITE WITH SMARALD LAKE and the STINS VULCAN OF DEALUL HEGHEȘ. The Geological Complex is located in the Carpaterra Aspiring Geopark. The Geopark is a well-bounded territory where the natural (geological, biological) and cultural heritage are of outstanding value. The Geopark helps to promote and develop the territory in a sustainable way through education and geotourism. The Carpaterra Geopark covers the territory of Racoșul de Jos, Mateiaș, Homorod, Mercheașa, Jimbor, Rupea Gara, Fișer and Rupea with a total area of 27,099.69 hectares (See map of the Carpaterra Geopark).